Welcome to the new ASF “Backstage Pass” blog
Hi! I’ve decided to create a blog for episode commentaries (if I have any), any extra features such as articles about certain storylines, and any podcasts–in particular, the 15th anniversary podcast series I’ve created thanks to reader feedback and questions. I hope this will be an interesting experience and I won’t yammer on too much, but I am awfully wordy (as ASF readers know!) so let’s just keep our fingers crossed.
If there’s anything else you’d like to see on this blog, please let me know. Oh! One nice aspect of this blog is that it’s responsive–meaning that it should look great in any window size or screen resolution, including mobile devices. Give it a try and let me know if it’s working in whatever device or screen size you use! (One way to test on a computer is just to narrow the window and see how everything shifts to accommodate the smaller width. Cool, huh?)
For now I’ll be posting the new podcast, which due to extreme length I’ve had to split into a few different episodes. I know, I know, but you guys really did ask a lot of interesting questions and I felt they deserved in-depth answers!
ASF is on hiatus until the new season starts, which I’m anticipating for late February/March 1, 2013. There may very well be certain special episodes posted in between, more like short stories, involving characters so we can watch the aftermath of the Big Season Four Finale close-up and let some time pass. There are some intense things going on and I don’t think a single or even double episode will do them all justice. Plus, some of it may be too painful to view in “real time,” especially considering… Well, I don’t want to give it away.
Anyway, as I said, if you guys have any questions or suggestions, please let me know! And don’t forget there’s a survey with the chance to win some nifty gift certificates as well as copies of my novels. Deadline is December 31. Thanks and happy holidays!
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About Kira Lerner
I'm the co-creator and writer of the webserial About Schuyler Falls, as well as other works filled with suspense, romance, rich characterization, and a dash of (usually dark) humor. My published novels are Fierce Moon, Night Wolf, Tropical Treasure and Seduction Games, with two upcoming book series in progress: a YA fantasy quintet and a trilogy of paranormal romantic suspense novels. I'm also a developmental editor, copy editor/writer, and web designer; I administer the EpiGuide community for webfiction and webseries, co-host the EpiCast podcast focusing on serialized webfiction (available on iTunes and Stitcher), and run WeSeWriMo, the annual writing marathon for web-based serials.
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry